
Careers: Join us

With flexible work options to help you balance work and life, along with learning and growth programs to advance your career, the opportunities at Molethu PMC Pvt. Ltd. are endless. You’ll have the chance to work on global projects, build connections within a community of technical experts, and create a career path tailored to your goals.

Leverage your expertise, skills, and unique perspective to help us tackle our clients' most complex challenges. Join a global team of professionals—planners, designers, engineers, scientists, and construction managers—working on impactful projects across transportation, buildings, water, new energy, and the environment.

Be Part of Something Great!

Join Molethu PMC Pvt. Ltd. diverse team and help us solve complex challenges. Discover a world of opportunities!

Bring your bold ideas and ambitious dreams.


Driving equity, diversity & inclusion

Dedicated to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion both within Molethu PMC Pvt. Ltd. organization and across our industry, we are building a workplace that is safe, respectful, and empowering.


Our Workforce

We are a home for entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for making things happen. We are lifelong learners, constantly expanding our knowledge and skills. As team players, we collaborate seamlessly across businesses.


Collective Growth, Collective Success

As global infrastructure investment accelerates, the demand for our services is higher than ever—makin. By joining Molethu PMC Pvt. Ltd., you'll experience the advantages of being part of a global.